Sunday, November 7, 2010

Writing bug is back!

It has been an obscene amount of time since I last updated this blog. Obscene. But like with old friends, I just want to jump right back in - like it was just yesterday that you decided to read what's new in my life while you microwaved your leftovers for dinner.

So, hi! How is your Sunday going? Mine has been quite wonderful! Clocks went back for Daylight Savings, so instead of going to bed at the ghastly hour of 4am, I went to bed at the slightly-less-ghastly hour of 3am. And I technically woke up at 9am. I've always thought 10am is the hour when one can classify a day as having a "lazy start" - ha! take that Universe, I was an early riser on the day of sloth.

I've spent most of the day reading about the abysmal sham that is the Israel-Palestine "peace process" in preparation for my 10-20 page paper on analyzing exactly that. Technically I should be able to write this paper in my sleep, right? False. This semester and this class in particular have reinforced the idea of how very little I know of anything (except, ofcourse, Trance music, and I won't even pretend to be modest about that) about this world. And my ability to write about my lack-of-knowledge is also rather shoddy. So this paper is actually a lot more challenging than I would have expected 3 months ago. And, like any nerd worth her weight in dorkiness, this challenge excites me somewhat.

Today is also day 5 of my 30 day Pledge to go Vegan. I shall admit here, rather than to my friend Rebecca who might non-violently punch me in the face, that I have been cheating a little - I have not been able to give up Greek yogurt for soy yogurt. I have 6 little tubs of the foul stuff so if anyone wants a cement alternative while building a house or something, do let me know - I won't even make you pay the shipping costs...just get it out of my fridge. And if anyone does know of a good brand of soy yogurt, please TELL ME - my conscience would appreciate it very much.

The West Wing is currently my latest obsession. I am only on episode 5 of season 1, but I hereby proclaim it as the best TV show I have ever watched. I was told that this is my "soulmate" as far as TV shows are concerned - and it's not an exaggeration. Politics, sparkly witty dialogue, mature human relationships, the greys of policy-making, Rob is simply perfect. I am so glad that Netflix ships me one disc of the season at a time, because I can safely say that I would do nothing else but devour episode after episode if I could. It's my recommendation of the week - so please give it a whirl on your DVD players.

I forgot how much I enjoyed these little breaks :) However, it's time I got back to shaking-my-head at the political abomination that was Ehud Barak. Happy Sunday everyone x

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