Monday, March 22, 2010

McD and HCR

I just found the most HI-larious facebook page: Going to MacDonalds for a salad roll is like going to a brothel for a hug Bahahahaha! People are so random and wonderful.

In other news, 3 cheers for Health Care Reform! No, it's not perfect AT ALL by any means and people who are talking about "yay universal healthcare" are clearly A1 idiots. Nonetheless it is a long overdue and much-needed start. Also, it's also a resonant "Faaaaahq Off" to the Republicans. Kudos to the Dems and Barack-lover in particular for sticking to their guns and seeing this through.

I agree, there are HUGE flaws with it - not least of all the fact that 24million ppl will still be without insurance, health care costs will still increase by 0.1% of the US GDP in 2019 (which doesn't see a lot when written like that, but is actually something like $230mill. holy crappito) and annual premiums will barely be reduced (in some cases even going up by a few thousand bucks or so) - and boy oh boy if you read the super-left leaning blogs (ahem, guilty as charged) you'll begin to believe that the Bill is anti-immigrant, -woman, - union, -middleclass, -LGBTQ, -horseswithoneeye etc. But really, people who have been denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition finally have a way to access health care, no lifetime limits, no "rescissions" after you file a claim, by 2011 insurance companies will by law have to spend 80-85% of their premiums earnings on actual health care (please don't ask why this isn't already the norm), no automatic premium rate raises, and by 2014 ban on annual limits - these are ALL good things.

Also it's important that McD and Health Care Reform both feature in this post. Because as of today I am on a 6 day liquids only (no booze jokes please, that's just cruel) detox diet. Next person to send me pictures of cupcakes and biryani will be an ex-friend. For serious...

And I have just looked at my clock and realised I have missed an hour of the Knight Rider innings. Talk about epic freaking FAIL! UGH! Ok must wobble on over to the bedroom NOW...come on KKR let's kick some Mumbai tush!! KORBO LORBO JEETBO RE!

Happy Monday errrrbody! xxx


  1. Detox diet! Sounds really good, actually. I'm so off eating because of this heat. Wish I do that! Way to go :)

  2. it's not easy sis! especially not when the cricket's on and you're a nervous eater like i am hahaha. but i'm 3 and i haven't caved yet :D
